Welcome to Food - What You Can Do! Look at the tasks below to see what you can do with your diet to help stop global warming! Click for more statistics on food!
1. Don't waste food
0.8 Ib CO2 saved/day
The average American wastes more than 0.92 pounds of food per day! If you don't waste ANY food in a day, you will be saving the equivalent of not driving 0.85 miles, which is 0.8 pounds of CO2. That may not seem like too much but it will add up over time. After a year of not wasting any of your food, you will have saved burning a little more than 14 gallons of gas.
How many days did you go without wasting food?
Emissions saved: 0.8 pounds of Co2 per day of no waste.

2. Avoid eating lamb
3.26 Ib CO2 saved/month
The average American consumes one pound of lamb per year. If you don't consume any lamb for a year, you save around 39.2 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, the equivalent of 41 miles in driving.​
How many months did you avoid eating lamb for?
Emissions saved: 3.26 pounds of CO2 per month of not eating lamb.

3. Stop eating beef
4.21 Ib CO2 saved/day
The average American consumes around 57 pounds of beef every week! If you do not consume any beef for a week, you save around 16.84 pounds of carbon dioxide amissions! If you don't eat beef for one day. you save 4.21 pounds of CO2.
How many days did you avoid eating beef for?
Emissions saved: 4.21 pounds of CO2 per day of not eating beef.

4. Stop eating cheese
9 Ib CO2 saved/wk
The average American consumes 35 pounds of cheese per year! By cutting cheese for a day, you save 1.29 pounds of CO2 emissions. By cutting cheese for a week, you save approximately 9 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions.
Emissions saved: 9 pounds of CO2 per week of not eating cheese.

5. Stop eating pork
18.2 Ib CO2 saved/wk
What impact do you make? The average American consumes 0.68 kilograms of pork per week. By not consuming pork for a week, you save roughly 18.2 pounds of carbon emissions.
Emissions saved: 18.2 pounds of CO2 per week of not eating pork.

6. Stop eating farmed salmon
21 Ib CO2 saved/yr
By cutting farmed salmon from your diet for a month, you save 1.75 pounds of Co2. If you cut farmed salmon from your diet for a whole year, you save around 21 pounds of CO2 emissions.
Emissions saved: 21 pounds of CO2 per year of not eating farmed salmon.

7. Stop eating turkey
3.34 Ib CO2 saved/wk
The average person eats around 16 pounds of turkey per year! By not eating turkey for a week, you save around 3.34 pounds of carbon emissions. (Chicken is always a great alternative!)
Emissions saved: 3.34 pounds of CO2 per week of not eating turkey.

8. Go vegetarian
8.4 Ib CO2 saved/day
The average vegetarian diet produces the equivalent of about 8.4 pounds of carbon-dioxide per day — roughly half as much as a normal diet.
Emissions saved: 58.8 pounds of CO2 per week of going vegetarian.

9. Go vegan
10.4 Ib CO2 saved/day
Vegan diets are even lighter than vegetarian, at 6.4 pounds of carbon-dioxide per day. This means by eating vegan for just one day, you save 10.4 pounds of CO2.
Emissions saved: 72.8 pounds of CO2 per week of going vegan.

NOTE: If you want to eat more meat, try eating more chicken! It creates the least emissions in terms of popular kinds of meat. Even though the key sources of CO2 are equivalent for turkey, chicken produces less overall emissions.